Paramedicine Technology Degree (PT13)  Degree

Program Description:

The Paramedicine applied associate in science degree program prepares students to provide advanced emergency medical care for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. This individual possesses the complex knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Paramedics function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. Paramedics perform interventions with the basic and advanced equipment typically found on an ambulance. The Paramedic is a link from the scene into the health care system. The Paramedicine degree program prepares students for employment in paramedic positions in today’s health services field. The Paramedic degree program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills from the EMT/EMT-I 1985/AEMT levels to a paramedic level. Successful completion of the program allows the graduate to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) Paramedic certification examination and apply for Georgia licensure with the State Office of Emergency Medical Service and Trauma (SOEMST) as a paramedic.

Click here to download the Paramedicine Technology Degree Student Track for success.

Program Minimum Expectations Goal Statement:

To prepare competent, entry-level Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician and/or Emergency Medical Technician, and/or Emergency Medical Responder levels.

Core course: Each semester

Occupationally specific courses: Spring semester

Program admission requirements: Student must hold a valid Advanced EMT (AEMT) Certification or License to take the EMSP prefix Occupational Courses.

Minimum Test Scores

Reading 236 Reading Comp 64

Quantitative Reasoning

245 Elem. Algebra 57
  • High School Diploma or Equivalent required for admission.
  • Applicant must be at least 18 years old.

American Heart Association (AHA) Healthcare Provider CPR Certification, Immunization records to include PPD, 10 panel drug screen, criminal background checks, and valid Georgia Driver’s License may be required based on the requirements for participation in clinical experiences.

Credits required for graduation: 67

Beginning Spring 2022 (January 2022), ALL FIRST TIME college students will be required to take the College Success (COLL 1020) course.

Students must have and maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale to be eligible for a progression into courses with the EMSP prefix.

If a student’s GPA drops below a 2.0 at any time during the program, the student will be removed from the current cohort. This student may rejoin the next cohort once their GPA is 2.0 or higher.


The Albany Technical College Paramedicine diploma and degree programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)( upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP)(

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions
9355 - 113th St. N, 8301 Lakeview Pkwy
#7709 Suite 111-312
Seminole, FL 33775 Rowlett, TX 75088
727-210-2350 214-703-8445

Approval of EMT, AEMT, and PARAMEDIC courses is granted by the Georgia Department of Public Health/Office of EMS and Trauma and will be processed by the Regional EMS Program Official in the EMS Region in which the course will be taught. A complete listing of the Regional EMS Offices is located in the EMS Procedure Manual, Section VIII: Resource Documents, R-01: EMS Regional Offices.

Albany Technical College Paramedicine Program Effectiveness Data

Paramedic Program Outcomes

The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report was for the calendar year 2022.

Outcome 2022 2021 2020
Retention 84.6% 100% 100%
NREMT or State cognitive exam 90.9% 85.7% 75%
Placement 100% 85.7% 75%

Curriculum Outline (67 hours)
Program Specific Gen Ed Course Requirements 15 credits 15
Area I - Language Arts/Communications
ENGL 1101

Explores the analysis of literature and articles about issues in the humanities and in society. Students practice various modes of writing, ranging from exposition to argumentation and persuasion. The course includes a review of standard grammatical and stylistic usage in proofreading and editing. An introduction to library resources lays the foundation for research. Topics include writing analysis and practice, revision, and research. Students write a research paper using library resources and using a formatting and documentation style appropriate to the purpose and audience.

Area II - Social/Behavioral Sciences
PSYC 1101

Introduces the major fields of contemporary psychology. Emphasis is on fundamental principles of psychology as a science. Topics include research design, the organization and operation of the nervous system, sensation and perception, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, thinking and intelligence, lifespan development, personality, psychopathology and interventions, stress and health, and social psychology.

Area III - Natural Sciences/Mathematics
MATH 1111

Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry.

MATH 1101

Emphasizes functions using real-world applications as models. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra; functions and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and models; systems of equations; and optional topics in algebra.

Area IV - Humanities/Fine Arts
HUMN 1101
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101

Explores the philosophic and artistic heritage of humanity expressed through a historical perspective on visual arts, music, and literature. The humanities provide insight into people and society. Topics include historical and cultural developments, contributions of the humanities, and research.

Program-Specific Gen. Ed. Course Requirements
SOCI 1101

Explores the sociological analysis of society, its culture, and structure. Sociology is presented as a science with emphasis placed on its methodology and theoretical foundations. Topics include basic sociological concepts, socialization, social interaction and culture, social groups and institutions, deviance and social control, social stratification, social change, and marriage and family.

Non General Education Courses 8 credits 8
BIOL 2113
Corequisite: BIOL 2113L

Introduces the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the development of a systemic perspective of anatomical structures and physiological processes. Topics include body organization, cell structure and functions, tissue classifications, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous and sensory systems.

BIOL 2113L
Corequisite: BIOL 2113

Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in BIOL 2113. The laboratory exercises for this course include body organization, cell structure and functions, tissue classifications, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous sensory systems. Please Note: Transferability of online lab courses to your prospective institution may vary. We recommend verifying with your institution's admissions or academic department whether they accept online lab courses for credit

BIOL 2114
Prerequisites: BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L

Continues the study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, blood and lymphatic system, immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system,and reproductive system.

BIOL 2114L
Prerequisites: BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L

Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in BIOL 2114. The laboratory exercises for this course include the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, blood and lymphatic system, immune system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system. Please Note: Transferability of online lab courses to your prospective institution may vary. We recommend verifying with your institution's admissions or academic department whether they accept online lab courses for credit

Occupational Courses 44 credits 44
EMSP 2110
Prerequisite: MATH 1012 Corequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310

This course introduces the student to the role of the paramedic in today's healthcare system, with a focus on the prehospital setting. This course will also prepare the student to integrate scene and patient assessment findings with knowledge of epidemiology and pathophysiology to form a field impression. This includes developing a list of differential diagnoses through clinical reasoning to modify the assessment and formulate a treatment plan. Topics include: EMS Systems; Research; Workforce Safety and Wellness; Documentation; EMS System Communication; Therapeutic Communication; Medical/Legal and Ethics; Life Span Development; Public Health; Incident Management; Air Medical; Scene Size-Up; Primary Assessment; History Taking; Secondary Assessment; Monitoring Devices; and Reassessment.

EMSP 2120
Prerequisite: MATH 1012 Corequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310, EMSP 2120

This course expands the concepts of pathophysiology as it correlates to disease processes. This course will enable the student to apply the general concepts of pathophysiology to the assessment and management of patients in the emergency setting. Topics include: Pathophysiology.

EMSP 2130
Prerequisite: MATH 1012 Corequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310, EMSP 2120

This course will equip the paramedicine student with an expanded knowledge of pharmacology, as well as skills used to manage the respiratory system. Students will learn to use these advanced resuscitative skills to mitigate patient care emergencies, and to improve the overall health of the patient. Topics include: Principles of Pharmacology; Medication Administration; Emergency Medications; Airway Management; Respiration; and Artificial Ventilation.

EMSP 2140
Prerequisite: MATH 1012 Corequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2310

This course equips the paramedicine student with an expanded knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and electrophysiology of the cardiovascular system. Students will also examine the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease, and will begin to integrate advanced assessment skills (including ECG interpretation) into the assessment of cardiac patients. Topics include: Anatomy, Physiology, and Electrophysiology of the Cardiovascular System; Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease; Assessment of the Cardiac Patient; Electrocardiographic (ECG) interpretation.

EMSP 2310
Prerequisite: MATH 1012 Corequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140

This course will enable the student to integrate assessment findings with principles of epidemiology and pathophysiology to formulate a field impression and implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for a patient experiencing a cardiovascular emergency. Topics include: Cardiovascular Emergencies and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS).

EMSP 2320
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310, EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570 Corequisites: EMSP 2340, EMSP 2710, EMSP 2720, EMSP 2330

This course will enable the student to integrate assessment findings with principles of epidemiology and pathophysiology to formulate a field impression and implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for a patient experiencing a medical emergency. Topics include: Medical Overview; Neurology; Abdominal and Gastrointestinal Disorders; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Endocrine Disorders; Psychiatric; Toxicology; Respiratory; Hematology; Genitourinary/Renal; Non-Traumatic Musculoskeletal Disorders; Diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat; and Assessment of Medical Emergencies.

EMSP 2330
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310, EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570 Corequisites: EMSP 2320, EMSP 2340, EMSP 2710, EMSP 2720, EMSP 2330

This course will enable the student to integrate a comprehensive knowledge of causes and pathophysiology into the management of traumatic: cardiac arrest and peri-arrest states; shock, respiratory failure or arrest with an emphasis on early intervention to prevent arrest. This course will also include integrating assessment findings with principles of epidemiology and pathophysiology to formulate a field impression to implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for an acutely injured patient. During this course, the student will complete a nationally recognized pre-hospital trauma course (i.e. PHTLS, ITLS, ATT, etc.). Topics include: Shock and Trauma Resuscitation; Trauma Overview; Bleeding; Chest Trauma; Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma; Orthopedic Trauma; Soft Tissue Trauma; Head, Facial, Neck, and Spine Trauma; Nervous System Trauma; Special Considerations in Trauma; Environmental Emergencies; Multi-System Trauma; and Assessment of Trauma Emergencies.

EMSP 2340
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310, EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570 Corequisites: EMSP 2320, EMSP 2340, EMSP 2710, EMSP 2720, EMSP 2330

This course will enable the student to integrate assessment findings with principles of pathophysiology and knowledge of psychosocial needs to formulate a field impression and implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for various special patient populations. During this course, the student will also complete a nationally recognized pediatric course (i.e. EPC, PALS, PEPP, etc.). Topics include: Obstetrics; Gynecology; Neonatal Care; Pediatrics; Geriatrics; and Patients with Special Challenges.

EMSP 2510
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

This course provides the paramedicine student with supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. EMSP 2510 Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - I is one in a series of courses that also includes: EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560 and EMSP 2570. The successful completion of all of these will result in meeting all clinical standards required by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST). Topics include: Clinicals.

EMSP 2520
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

This course provides the paramedicine student with supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. EMSP 2520 Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - II is one in a series of courses that also includes: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560 and EMSP 2570. The successful completion of all of these will result in meeting all clinical standards required by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST). Topics include: Clinicals.

EMSP 2530
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

This course provides the paramedicine student with supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. EMSP 2530 Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - III is one in a series of courses that also includes: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560 and EMSP 2570. The successful completion of all of these will result in meeting all clinical standards required by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST). Topics include: Clinicals.

EMSP 2540
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

This course provides the paramedicine student with supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. EMSP 2540 Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - IV is one in a series of courses that also includes: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560 and EMSP 2570. The successful completion of all of these will result in meeting all clinical standards required by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST). Topics include: Clinicals.

EMSP 2550
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

This course provides the paramedicine student with supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. EMSP 2550 Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - V is one in a series of courses that also includes: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2560 and EMSP 2570. The successful completion of all of these will result in meeting all clinical standards required by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST). Topics include: Clinicals.

EMSP 2560
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

This course provides the paramedicine student with supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. EMSP 2560 Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - VI is one in a series of courses that also includes: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550 and EMSP 2570. The successful completion of all of these will result in meeting all clinical standards required by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST). Topics include: Clinicals.

EMSP 2570
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560

This course provides the paramedicine student with supervised clinical experience in various clinical settings. EMSP 2570 Clinical Applications for the Paramedic - VII is one in a series of courses that also includes: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550 and EMSP 2560. The successful completion of all of these will result in meeting all clinical standards required by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST). Topics include: Clinicals.

EMSP 2710
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

Provides supervised field internship experience in the prehospital advanced life support setting. Topics include: Field Internship.

EMSP 2720
Prerequisites: EMSP 2110, EMSP 2120, EMSP 2130, EMSP 2140, EMSP 2310 Corequisites: EMSP 2510, EMSP 2520, EMSP 2530, EMSP 2540, EMSP 2550, EMSP 2560, EMSP 2570

Allows opportunities to demonstrate critical thinking skills and assessment based management techniques through competency based evaluations relevant to the practice of a Paramedic. Topics include: Assessment Based Management for Paramedics.

Click to view profile for Tracie Naylor-Griffin, BS, NRP
Program Chair

Chair/Instructor, Paramedicine Program
Emergency Medical Responders Building, Room 100

Click to view profile for Thad Minick

Instructor, Paramedicine  
Emergency Medical Responders Building, Room 109

Click to view profile for Brandon Kent

Paramedicine, Instructor
Emergency Medical Responders Building, Room 102

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