DoD SkillBridge Logo

The DoD Skillbridge agreement is a partnership between the Department of Defense and other organizations aimed at connecting service members and veterans with employment opportunities. Skillbridge enables military personnel to gain valuable work experience during their service or after they transition to civilian life, helping them to make a smooth transition to the private sector. The DoD works with colleges and universities, state workforce agencies, and private sector companies to provide training, education, and employment opportunities to service members. The program is designed to help reduce the skills gap in the U.S. workforce while at the same time providing service members with valuable training and experience.

To be eligible for Skillbridge participation, a service member must have approval from their unit commander, have 180 days of service or fewer remaining prior to their date of discharge, and at least 180 continuous days of active service. Interested service members can get more information by contacting their installation SkillBridge point of contact; the SkillBridge POC may be in the transition assistance office, education office, or other installation support office.

Matt Trice