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- Catalogs
- 2024-2025 College Catalog
- Registration
Upon advisement, eligible students may pre-register/ register for the upcoming academic term. Eligible students are those who have been officially accepted to ATC, continuing students not on academic suspension, and students enrolling under the special status provisions are eligible to register. Upon registration, students must confirm their intent to matriculate by paying tuition and fees or completing the student financial aid process. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the proper forms and procedures for registration and to verify that his or her schedule of classes is correct. Registration is complete when all tuition and fees are paid.
Late Registration
Late registration will be allowed on a space-available basis for students who do not register by the specified deadline date. An additional non-refundable fee of $45.00 will be charged for late registration. The late registration fee will be charged by the payment due date, according to the student calendar.
Academic Advisement
After taking the college entrance exam, students will be initially advised by an Academic Advisor and then referred to their assigned program faculty advisor and/or online success coach after the student takes/transfers in 15 credit hours of courses.
Academic Load
Students must register for 12 or more credit hours to be considered full-time. No student will be allowed to register for more than 18 credit hours without approval from the Registrar &/or Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Program Change
Students are permitted to request a change of program once with no charge during their academic tenure at ATC. Any additional change of programs will incur a $15.00 charge. The student must visit the Registrar's Office in the Kirkland Building to meet with an Academic Advisor. After determining the status of the program change the Academic Advisor will direct the student to the next step to pay the $15 charge at the business office in required. Students must visit the for Financial aid office for counseling and transfer to Registrar. The Registrar’s office will complete this process and refer student to advisor for registration.
Change of program forms must be submitted by the published deadline date in order to be processed for the next semester.
Course Expiration
General Education courses do not expire. Occupational courses expire after 10 years (120 months).
Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
The purpose of this catalog/handbook is to provide general information. It should not be construed as the basis of a contract between students and Albany Technical College (ATC). While the provisions of this catalog/handbook will ordinarily be applied as stated, ATC reserves the right to change any provisions listed without notice. Such changes may include entrance requirements and admissions procedures, courses, and programs of study, academic requirements for graduation, fees and charges, financial aid, rules and regulations and the College calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of all changes including academic requirements for graduation.
- Table of Contents
- President's Message
- Accreditation And Affiliations
- Articulation Agreements
- Technical Education Guarantee
- Statement Of Equal Opportunity
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Sexual Harassment And Misconduct
- Mission
- Adult Education Programs
- Information Directory
- Academic Calendar
- Admissions Policies and Procedures
- Admission Categories
- General Admission Requirements For The Associate Degree Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Diploma Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Certificate Programs
- Georgia Residency Requirements
- Registration
- Transfer Credit
- High School Programs
- Tuition And Fees
- Financial Obligations To ATC
- Financial Assistance
- Financial Aid Programs
- Financial Aid Fund Disbursements
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy And Procedures
- Grading System
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Grade Appeals
- Student Records
- Graduation Policy
- Student Services
- Student Life
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
- Student Complaints
- Student Rights And Responsibilities
- Albany Technical College Model Student Conduct Codes
- Procedure: Unlawful Harassment And Discrimination Of Students
- Student Freedom of Expression Protest Procedure
- General Information
- Center for Business Solutions
- Program Advisors
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Faculty
- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
- Areas of Study
- Courses