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- Transfer Credit
Transfer Credit
Transfer Credit From Other Institutions
Albany Technical College recognizes previous postsecondary coursework by accepting credit earned from other regionally or nationally accredited institutions. Additionally, transfer credit may be awarded for military training or corporate courses where appropriate. There is no charge for transfer credit.
Criteria for transfer credit:
1. The course is essentially the same in content as the course(s) at Albany Technical College.
2. The course was completed with a grade of “C” or better.
3. An official transcript is on file in the student’s admission file from all postsecondary institutions attended.
4. Occupationally related course work has been evaluated and approved for transfer credit by the appropriate program dean and instructor, when requested by the Registrar.
5. Occupationally-specific courses were taken fewer than 10 years (120 months) prior to admissions.
6. Continuing Education Units (CEU), remedial, and study skills courses are not accepted for transfer.
There is no time limit on transferability of general education courses. General education courses earned at the Doctorate, Master’s, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Associate of Arts, and Associate of Science levels from any regionally or nationally accredited institution will meet the general education core requirements of any associate, diploma, or certificate program offered at Albany Technical College.
Grade points are not assigned to transfer credit. Should a student receive advanced standing through transfer credit, the student will be required to complete at least 25% of the required curriculum for graduation from Albany Technical College.
It is possible for a combination of courses from another single institution to present the same material as in a single course at Albany Technical College. Credit may be transferred in an amount equal to the corresponding Albany Technical College course(s) when the evaluation yields a sufficient degree of comparability in content, nature, and intensity between the combination of the transfer institution’s courses and the corresponding courses at Albany Technical College.
Courses to be considered for transfer credit in the practical nursing program from colleges external to the Technical College System of Georgia must be reviewed and approved by the chairperson of the practical nursing program.
Credit is awarded once for a completed class. Once the evaluation is complete, the student has access to this information via their Bannerweb account.
Transfer credit for courses taken at non-accredited postsecondary institutions may be awarded if the course meets the criteria for transfer credit and the student earns a score of 80% or higher on a course exemption exam.
Credit for military service colleges is awarded according to the Service Members Opportunity College Guide (SOC Guide) recommendations.
A student seeking transfer status into the Practical Nursing program while enrolled in a nursing program at another College must:
1. Have an overall GPA of 2.5.
2. Complete the Practical Nursing Transfer Status Form prior to 30 days before the start of the semester.
3. Maintain a GPA of 2.7 in each term.
4. Failure in one or more course may result in termination in subsequent semesters.
5. Students who are terminated will be eligible for readmission to the Practical Nursing program after five (5) years.
A student seeking transfer status into the Practical Nursing program while enrolled in a nursing program from another College with an overall GPA of less than 2.5 will not be eligible to enroll as a transfer student.
Students who wish to have prior college credit evaluated for transfer or intend on using a funding source that requires the evaluation of prior college credit, such as HOPE Scholarship or Veterans Educational Benefits, must submit all post-secondary transcripts along with their admission application.
Appeal of Transferability of Course Equivalencies
Students who wish to appeal the evaluation of transfer credit may do so through the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. When making an appeal, students must be prepared to provide supporting documentation (e.g., course syllabus, course description, transfer institution’s catalog).
Transient Credit
Albany Technical College students desiring to take a course or courses from another accredited institution must have prior approval from the Albany Technical College registrar and meet the following requirements:
1. Be in good academic standing.
2. Be program-ready/college level.
3. Completed two terms of academic history at Albany Technical College, with a minimum 2.0 grade point average
4. Completed COMP 1000 or COLL 1020 with a grade of “C” or better
5. Meet all pre-requisite requirements for which transient credit is sought.
6.Requested transient credit must be a required credit for student’s program
7.Transient credit is not offered on home campus during requested semester/term
It is the student’s responsibility to apply to the institution they wish to attend as a transient student and have an official document sent to Albany Technical College at the end of the term in order for the grade to be issued as a transfer grade. Only grades of “C” or better are accepted as transfer grades. If transient status is not approved at the host college, courses will not be eligible for transfer to an Albany Technical College program of study.
Advanced Placement Credit
In order for advanced credit to be considered, students must provide information and written documentation setting forth the education or qualifications they believe qualify them for advanced credit.
Credit Earned at Foreign Institutions
The foreign government or state governmental agency of a foreign country must be formally recognized as an educational institution offering post-secondary instruction leading toward a degree or diploma comparable to that offered at Albany Technical College. Transfer credits or completed degrees from foreign institutions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis with evaluation from an independent source. Please see Admissions Director for a list of eligible NACES® service providers. Transfer students from foreign institutions must provide course descriptions, along with an official transcript evaluation and/or translation.
International Students
It is the policy of the Technical College System of Georgia that Visa status is not a condition for admissions to technical colleges; however, prospective students must meet the state approved admissions requirements as outlined for all students. While Visa status is not a condition for admission; it is critical information that must be collected for effective student advisement and tuition and fee assessment purposes.
The President of Albany Technical College has the authority to determine if the College will issue I-20s. If the President elects to issue I-20s, the College must first obtain approval from The Department of Homeland Security/Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS). ATC shall adhere to the policies and procedures as outlined by CIS for the issuance of I-20s. The President of ATC shall have the authority to waive out-of-country tuition rates (four times that paid by a resident of Georgia) for students who are not citizens of the United States if such waivers do not exceed five percent (5%) of the technical college's full-time enrollment. This waiver allows the student to pay out-of-state tuition rates but does not qualify the student for HOPE. Waivers of out-of-country tuition rates are not available to undocumented immigrants. Undocumented immigrants shall be charged out-of-state tuition (twice that paid by a resident of Georgia) as per 8 USC § 1623.
Exemption Credit
Instructional departments, on an optional basis, may establish approved exams to be administered by the Special Populations Coordinator for credit exemption purposes. Students with prior military training, documented prior education and/or work experience may take a course exemption test before registering for a course. The student must obtain a request for exemption testing from the Special Populations Coordinator and pay a test administration fee based on the cost per credit hour.
When a student passes a course exemption test, it is reported to the registrar for entry on the student’s permanent academic record showing the course number and title. Credit hours are awarded, but no grade is given. No money is refunded if the exam is not passed, and students may only take a course exemption test once. Exemption testing is scheduled as needed on an individual basis. The following rules govern exemption tests:
The following rules govern exemption tests:
1. A student cannot take an exemption test for a class if he/she is currently registered for that class.
2. A student cannot withdraw from a course and sign up to take an exemption exam.
3. A student cannot take an exemption exam for a course in which a grade has been earned or has been previously attempted.
4. All exemption tests must be taken prior to the first day of class for the planned term of entry.
5. A student cannot exempt more than 18 credit hours per term without approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
6. If a given course has a prerequisite course requirement, the prerequisite must be satisfied by either exemption or successful completion of the course before exemption may be attempted.
7. The minimum pass rate for an exemption examination is 80%.
8. No grade, grade points or credit hours are assigned to exempted examination credit. A grade of EXE will be entered on the permanent record if the exemption exam is completed successfully.
9. Any student receiving exemption credit through examination, transfer credit, or transient credit must still complete at least 25% of the credit hours of the required curriculum for graduation at Albany Technical College.
10. Students are responsible for the cost of the exemption exams; financial aid is not available for exemption exams.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
Albany Technical College recognizes that individuals can develop mastery of course competencies through non-traditional educational environments such as: employment, military and corporate training, professional certifications, noncredit courses, and other life experiences. The term "prior learning" is utilized to describe these methods of learning. ATC accepts credit for prior learning when the equivalency is validated by academically sound and rigorous assessment.
Credit will be awarded only for demonstrable college level learning, and not for experience. The burden of proof lies with the student to demonstrate through testing or appropriate documentation, such as transcripts and certificates, submitted to designated College authorities, that the learning meets specific learning objectives and standards set forth in course syllabi and programs approved by related accrediting bodies. Prior Learning may have been required for professional competence; is reasonably current (some learning is time sensitive); is comparable to courses offered in colleges or universities; implies a conceptual (theoretical) and practical understanding of the course(s). Any credits awarded through PLA must be in accordance with the Standards of The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC Standard 10.7) and policies and guidelines of the Technical College System of Georgia.
Learners who wish to have prior college credit evaluated for transfer or intend on using a funding source that requires the evaluation of prior college credit, such as HOPE Scholarship or Veterans Educational Benefits, must submit all post-secondary transcripts along with their admission application.
Contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs at (229) 430-3518, for more information.
Student requirements for PLA:
1. Students must be admitted as Regular degree/diploma seeking students to a TCSG institution;
2. Student must declare a program of study (major);
3. Student must consult with program faculty advisor about the possibility and advisability of seeking credit for prior learning;
4. Student must consult with the program faculty advisor to confirm that PLA credit will directly apply to the curriculum requirements of the declared major;
5. Student must register for specified prior learning opportunity, pay any required fees, and meet defined learning objectives, standards, and scores for credit to be awarded;
6. Posting of credit to the student academic transcript will occur following one semester hour completed at the TCSG institution where admitted;
7. Student must recognize that any change of degree/diploma program will result in review of all transcripted credit, including PLA. Transfer and PLA credit must apply directly to the curriculum being studied. Any deviation may result in the loss of credit obtained utilizing PLA;
8. PLA credit cannot be utilized to fulfill residency requirements of the institution. The TCSG requires that a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of graduation requirements for a particular program of study be completed at the Technical College granting the award. Contact the Registrar for specific program residency requirements.
9. PLA credit cannot be used for courses where accreditation or college policies prohibit its use;
10. PLA credit cannot duplicate credit for other courses;
11. Transferability of PLA to another institution cannot be guaranteed;
12. In the event of an appeal, student must follow posted appeal process. Recommendations and scoring by ACE, CLEP, and other external bodies are under the auspices of the evaluation body and cannot be appealed at the college level.
Program Transfer Credit
Program transfer students who transfer from one program to another program within the institution will be given full credit for all courses common to both programs, provided the occupational classes were completed within the past 10 years. The procedure for a transfer to another program is as follows: Student must fill out and complete all steps on the Change of Program form, available in the Registrar's Office located in the Kirkland Administration Building. The student must meet all admissions requirements for the new program. The Change of Program Form must be submitted through the Registrar’s Office for the change to be official. Students are permitted to request a change of program once with no charge during their academic tenure at Albany Technical College. Any additional change of program request will incur a $15.00 charge. A change of program request form must be completed and submitted with a receipt from the business office by the published deadline date in order to be processed for the next semester.
Transfer Credit For Degree – Prior to COC Credentials
This policy addresses request from former students, who have earned diploma awards prior to January 2005 that would like to continue with associate degree programs without repeating occupational classes he/she has passed satisfactorily prior to January 2005. Coursework added to the curriculum since graduation from their program would not be exempt.
1. If a former student completed a diploma program prior to January 2005, he/she would be eligible to take a comprehensive exam. A score of 80 is required for passing this exam. (This is the same score required for exemption of coursework.) The 10-year rule continues to apply for all occupational classes. Students must have completed the occupational classes within the last 10 years to be eligible for this opportunity. This comprehensive exit exam eligibility became effective Summer 2007. (200801)
2. Students who completed prior to January 2005, and are licensed by the state or hold national certification in their field, would be exempt from this comprehensive exam provided they supply a copy of their current license or certification. For national certification, this would include, but not be limited to, Radiologic Technology, Dental Assisting, Medical Assisting, Surgical Technology, Emergency Medical Technician, and Paramedicine. This exemption became effective Summer 2007. (200801).
Students from other TCSG institutions would also be eligible, provided they supply an official transcript and meet the same requirements as Albany Technical College graduates.
Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
The purpose of this catalog/handbook is to provide general information. It should not be construed as the basis of a contract between students and Albany Technical College (ATC). While the provisions of this catalog/handbook will ordinarily be applied as stated, ATC reserves the right to change any provisions listed without notice. Such changes may include entrance requirements and admissions procedures, courses, and programs of study, academic requirements for graduation, fees and charges, financial aid, rules and regulations and the College calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of all changes including academic requirements for graduation.
- Table of Contents
- President's Message
- Accreditation And Affiliations
- Articulation Agreements
- Technical Education Guarantee
- Statement Of Equal Opportunity
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Sexual Harassment And Misconduct
- Mission
- Adult Education Programs
- Information Directory
- Academic Calendar
- Admissions Policies and Procedures
- Admission Categories
- General Admission Requirements For The Associate Degree Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Diploma Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Certificate Programs
- Georgia Residency Requirements
- Registration
- Transfer Credit
- High School Programs
- Tuition And Fees
- Financial Obligations To ATC
- Financial Assistance
- Financial Aid Programs
- Financial Aid Fund Disbursements
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy And Procedures
- Grading System
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Grade Appeals
- Student Records
- Graduation Policy
- Student Services
- Student Life
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
- Student Complaints
- Student Rights And Responsibilities
- Albany Technical College Model Student Conduct Codes
- Procedure: Unlawful Harassment And Discrimination Of Students
- Student Freedom of Expression Protest Procedure
- General Information
- Center for Business Solutions
- Program Advisors
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Faculty
- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
- Areas of Study
- Courses