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- 2024-2025 College Catalog
- General Information
General Information
Cancellation of Classes Due To Inclement Weather
Cancellation of classes due to inclement weather will be determined by the President or designee and announced through the local media.
Eating Facilities
For the convenience of students, the Titans Café is located inside the Logistics Education Center, and vending machines are located in designated buildings.
Student’s Role and Participation in Institutional Decision Making
The Student Government Association (SGA) at Albany Technical College is the official governing body of the students and acts as an intermediary between students, faculty, and administration. The SGA is the primary avenue by which students can affect College policy and participate in institutional decision-making. Official recommendations by students regarding the policies, rules, and regulations of the College are made to the Student Government Advisor directly or through the Student Government Association. The recommendations are forwarded to the Senior Management Team for assignment to the appropriate cross-functional team or administrator. The Student Government Advisor nominates the students to be appointed to serve on standing committees, such as parking, library/media services, and student discipline. The Student Government Advisor nominates students to meet with the President every semester to discuss current issues, provide input in the operations of the College, and provide insight on students’ points of view regarding College concerns. Students can request special open meetings with the President or the Senior Management Team on issues or concerns; meetings are scheduled from the President’s office.
The Student Government Association oversees the allocation of student activities, fees, and monies received from vending machines, pay phones, club funds, and fundraisers. Students also contribute to decision making through input they give on surveys and evaluations such as Course Exit, Student Satisfaction and Awareness, Graduate Follow-up, Library/Media, and Distance Learning.
Since there is no evidence of non-sexual/non-blood-related transmission of the T-lymph tropic III, human immunodeficiency virus HTLV-III (HIV), students and employees will not be excluded from the College in the absence of other contraindications. The confidentiality of information and records regarding AIDS or illnesses will be preserved.
Notice of Criminal Records Check Requirements
The State of Georgia has a law regarding the placement of persons with criminal records in certain childcare, pharmaceutical, and medical facilities. According to the Department of Human Resources (DHR), anyone who has been convicted of a felony offense, or of neglecting or abusing a dependent person, a sexual offense or any other covered crime will not be allowed to work in certain facilities in these fields as a student, student intern, co-op student, work-study or paid employee. The following programs are affected by this law: Biomedical Instrumentation (Electronics), Early Childhood Care and Education, Law Enforcement Technology, Medical Assisting, Pharmacy Technology, and Practical Nursing. A satisfactory determination on the criminal records check is not a requirement for program admission. However, a satisfactory records check must be documented before a student can be placed in any clinical, practicum, lab, or internship settings that are a part of Biomedical Instrumentation (Electronics), Early Childhood Care and Education, Law Enforcement Technology, Medical Assisting, Practical Nursing, and Pharmacy Technology programs.
Criminal record checks are obtained from the Department of Human Resources (DHR) and local law enforcement agencies. The record checks obtained from DHR are marked satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Criminal record checks obtained from law enforcement list any known offense that may have to be interpreted by DHR in accordance with DHR regulations. If an offense on the criminal records check shows up as a covered crime as designated by DHR, the report is unsatisfactory.
Albany Technical College reserves the right to require a student to obtain a criminal history check at any time during enrollment at the College.
Criminal records checks are good for a 12-month period and it is the student’s responsibility to keep the record current. Because this portion of a student’s record is neither permanent nor educational, the criminal records checks will be maintained in the program department files. Please see your program department chair for any specifics policy requirements for your program. Criminal records check files may be discarded after a few years.
A criminal background check is required for students in Healthcare Technology programs by Student Pre-Check.
Parking Guide
The authority for administering and enforcing traffic and parking regulations on the Albany Technical College campus rests with the Albany Technical College Police Department. The administration reserves the authority to make changes as needed in parking areas, traffic flow, and other changes related to traffic conditions. The purpose of these regulations is to facilitate safety, maintain orderly conduct of the college’s business, and provide parking facilities in support of this function within the limits of available space. These regulations are intended only to supplement the State of Georgia Motor Vehicle Laws, all provisions of which apply to this campus. These rules and regulations apply to all vehicles, which are self-propelled. The owner or person to whom the vehicle is registered is ultimately responsible for the safe operation and proper parking of the vehicle, regardless of who the operator may be. “ATC shall have no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents while operated or parked on college property”.
"ATC shall have no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents while operated or parked on College property.”
Who must register their motor vehicle?
Each student (including full-time, part-time, evening) taking courses, and each member of the faculty, staff and administration of Albany Technical College must register any motor driven vehicle operated on campus. During the first five (5) days of each semester, it is expected for decals to be obtained and properly displayed.
To register a motor vehicle:
Vehicles may be registered during the official days of registration at the beginning of each term in the Business Office. A vehicle registration card will be provided at the time of registration. All motor vehicles operated by students in connection with their attendance at Albany Technical College must properly display the required current decal. Parking Guides are available in the Business Office where decals can be purchased.
To secure an ATC parking permit the following information is required at the time of registration:
- State license plate number
- Descriptive vehicle information (year, make, model and color)
- Driver’s license number
- Date of birth and social security number
- Address (present and home)
- Valid student registration schedule
- Student decals are $12.00 at the beginning of Fall Term. Fees for decals purchased after the beginning Fall Semester are pro-rated as follows:
Spring Term Summer Term $8.00 $4.00 - Decals are non-transferable and must be removed before the sale of the vehicle.
- In order for a registered vehicle to be in compliance, the cling parking decal must be affixed to the inside of the back windshield on the driver's side. The use of tape or any other adhesive to secure the decal is prohibited. Violators will be cited.
- Parking decals allow the operator to park only in specified parking areas during the hours of 7:00 am. to 10:30 pm. daily during scheduled classes and examinations. Parking is relaxed on weekends with the exception of ADA and yellow-curbed areas, which will be strictly enforced.
- The replacement fee for decals is $2.00.
- Temporary permits will be issued at no charge when a registered vehicle is out of order and another vehicle must be used for a period not to exceed five days.
- Employees or students with disabilities, either permanent or temporary, who operate a motor vehicle registered with the College, must display a handicap permit/license plate as issued by the Georgia State Patrol
Parking Rules
- No parking is permitted within fifteen (15) feet of fire hydrants or street entrances to sidewalks or buildings.
- Parking on the lawn or driving on campus where campus streets are not provided is forbidden.
- All ADA parking spaces must be observed and are subject to state enforcement.
- Littering violations will be enforced.
- All traffic violations are subjected to the Traffic Codes of the City of Albany and the State of Georgia.
- Parking in service drives is not permitted. (rear access to Conference Center)
- The speed limit for campus is 15 mph / 10 mph for parking lots.
- Visitors' parking spaces will be strictly enforced.
- Motorcycles are not to be driven or parked on the sidewalks.
- Disabled vehicles are to be removed within seven (7) days after notification from the Campus Operations Department.
Persons enrolled in Continuing Education or Business & Industry training programs will be required to obtain a special parking permit through Continuing Education/Economic Development offices.
Note: It is the responsibility of the motor vehicle operator to find a legal parking space. Lack of convenient space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of any parking regulations. Rain or inclement weather will not alter any of the provisions of these regulations.
Vehicle Operation
All persons operating a vehicle on ATC property must be properly licensed at all times. ATC identification and driver's license (if available) must be presented when requested by ATC Campus Operations Department. Pedestrians have the right-of-way on campus except where traffic is regulated by mechanical devices. Under normal conditions, the maximum speed limit on campus is 15 mph; however, vehicles may not be operated at any speed that is excessive for the conditions, which may exist as a result of weather, traffic, congestion, pedestrians, etc. Traffic control signals, devices and directions of Albany Technical College shall be obeyed. All persons operating vehicles are responsible for maintaining control and safe operation of their vehicle and observance of traffic control signs, barriers and devices. All accidents occurring on campus shall be reported to the Campus Operations Department before the vehicles are moved. There is a charge for copies of accident reports.
Enforcement and Appeals
Albany Technical College parking citations should be paid at the Business Office (cashier's window) located in the Administration /Kirkland Building within five business days after issuance. Failure to comply will result in a one-time $10.00 late fee added to the citation. All persons receiving a parking citation are entitled to appeal the citation within the same 5-day time period of receiving the citation. The appeal should be submitted in writing to the Campus Business Office. If an appeal is granted for a citation, no payment is required. If the appeal is denied the fine is to be satisfied in the Business Office. Persons submitting appeals will be notified within five working days of the outcome. Failure to file an appeal within the five days forfeits all rights of appeal. In general, such circumstances as ignorance of the law, inability to find a proper parking space, late to class, or work appointment or financial hardships caused by fines do not constitute sufficient basis for the approval of an appeal. All fines not paid within the specified time become financial obligations payable to Albany Technical College. Persons who display a pattern of disregard for parking regulations are subject to having their parking privileges revoked for one calendar year. Persons arrested for operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs will be towed and stored with a local towing service. Operators of vehicles that have been towed should contact the Campus Operations Office for information to assist with the release of the vehicle by the towing company. Excessive noises by car radios, loud speakers, faulty mufflers or cut mufflers are prohibited on campus.
Towing Policy
Certain areas on campus are designated as TOW ZONES. These areas include disabled persons’ parking spaces, parking along the curb. When parked in an area where the curb is painted yellow and the words "no parking" is labeled, a vehicle is subject to immediate tow. All vehicles towed from campus are towed at the expense of the owner. The Campus Operations Office will have the towing information on file.
Special Events
On special occasions, emergency parking and traffic limitations may be imposed by the Campus Operations Department.
Campus streets may not be used by any group, corporation, or persons for commercial use or advertising without proper authorization.
Color Coded Parking
In an attempt to facilitate parking on campus, color coded parking has been instituted to correctly direct faculty, staff, students, and visitors to appropriate parking areas. Listed below are the color assignments for parking decals on campus. The color-coding is indicated by decal, signage, and parking space.
White | Indicates Vistors Parking Only |
Light Blue | Indicates Disabled Parking Only |
Red | Indicates Faculty/Staff Parking Only |
Blue | Indicates Students Parking Only |
Yellow | Indicates No Parking |
Listed below are the designated parking areas on campus. Please adhere to the assigned areas for your color-coded decal.
Prosperity Hall (PRO) | Visitors, Disabled |
Freedom Hall (FRE) | Students, Faculty, Staff, Disabled |
Nathanial Cross Health Technology Building (HCT) | Faculty, Staff, Disabled |
Artisan Hall (AED) |
(Side) Faculty, Staff (Front) Visitors, Disabled |
Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC) | Visitors, Faculty, Staff, Students, Disabled |
George M. Kirkland Jr. Building (ADM) | Visitors, Faculty, Staff, Disabled |
Child Development Demonstration Center (CDV) | Visitors, Faculty, Staff, Students, Disabled |
Center of Exellence in Information Technology and Electronics (CEIT) | Faculty, Staff, Disabled |
Facilities Maintenance | Visitors, Faculty, Staff, Students, Disabled |
Logisitics Education Center (LEC) | Faculty, Staff, Students, Disabled |
Charles B. Gillespie, M.D. Center for Emergency Reponders (EMR) | Faculty, Staff, Disabled |
Carlton Construction Academy (CCA) | Faculty, Staff, Students, Disabled |
Randolph County Learning Center (RCLC) | Visitors, Faculty, Staff, Students, Disabled |
Permit/Decal Violations/Fines
Parking decal or tag not properly affixed. | $10.00 |
Failure to display current parking permit. | 10.00 |
Decal displayed on vehicle other than vehicle for which it is authorized. | 10.00 |
Alteration or reproduction of parking decal. | 10.00 |
Knowingly falsifies information on parking permit application. | 10.00 |
Unauthorized possession of an ATC parking permit. | 10.00 |
Parking Violations
Parking in a no parking zone, service and delivery zone, yellow curb areas, and crosswalks. | $10.00 |
Parking in the wrong direction on any street. | 10.00 |
Not parking within a marked space. | 10.00 |
Blocking or obstructing traffic, street, dumpster, sidewalk, building entrance or exit, or another vehicle. | 10.00 |
Double parking or backing into a parking space. Rear of vehicle must face driving lanes of parking area for decal to be visible to Parking Monitors. | 10.00 |
Parking in unauthorized areas. | 10.00 |
Students parking in faculty/staff or visitor parking areas. | 10.00 |
Occupying more than one space. | 10.00 |
Stopping, standing, or parking where prohibited. | 10.00 |
Littering violations will be enforced for dropping litter in parking areas and on the campus grounds. | 10.00 |
Parking in Disabled/ADA areas. | 100.00 |
Property Violations
Defacing, altering, knocking down or removing any parking or traffic signal, sign or structure. | $10.00 |
Littering violations will be enforced for dropping litter in parking areas and on the campus grounds. | 10.00 |
Traffic Violations
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. | $25.00 |
Reckless driving. | 25.00 |
Speeding - Under normal conditions the maximum speed limit on campus is 15 mph. The maximum speed limit in parking lots is 10 mph. Vehicles may not be operated at any speed that is excessive for the conditions, which may exist as a result of weather, traffic congestion, pedestrians, etc. | 25.00 |
Failure to obey stop or yield signs. | 25.00 |
Improper change of lanes. | 25.00 |
Driving the wrong way on a one-way street. | 25.00 |
Prospective students are invited to visit the campus individually, with parents or friends or in groups scheduled by high school counselors. Individual students and visitors are prohibited from visiting classes during class time without express permission from the administration. All visitors must have permission to be present on our campus.
Please note, that upon admission of the student to the College, minors are not allowed on campus, or to accompany students while students conduct business with the College (i.e. student orientations, classes, student related campus activities, etc.)
Campus Security
Students, faculty, and staff should have their ATC identification badges available for verification at all times. ATC provides security services on campus at all times. For problems or special needs, contact Campus Security at (229) 430-4711. Report all emergencies, thefts, vehicle accidents, injuries, suspicious persons, suspicious activities, and solicitors to Campus Security.
In concurrence with Public Law 101-542, annual crime statistics are compiled and distributed to currently enrolled students and employees each September, and are available upon request at the Student Affairs Office.
Reporting an Accident
In the case of an accident or emergency, students should inform their instructor, who will then contact security and the proper administrator.
Drug and Tobacco Free Campus Policy
In accordance with the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, ATC is designated as a drug-free zone. The use/or abuse of alcohol and other illicit drugs by students is prohibited. School standards of conduct clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on campus or at any college-sponsored activities. Sanctions up to and including suspension, expulsion, and referral for prosecution will be imposed for the violation of these standards.
On April 3, 2006, in response to a school-wide survey, ATC became a tobacco-free campus, including all campuses and learning centers, grounds, parking lots and immediate adjacent areas.
Effective January 2014, the following monetary penalties will be implemented for tobacco use/smoking on campus/learning centers property outside of the personal vehicle:
- Smoking on campus of any type (including e-cigarettes) or use of any tobacco products on campus: $20.00
- Repeated offenses (within the academic year period-August-July): 2nd offense $30.00; 3rd offense $40.00
All second and third offense violators will be referred to the College’s disciplinary officer or designee for appropriate student disciplinary action per the Student Conduct Code and violations by employees of the College will be addressed through the Positive Discipline Policy.
Fines must be paid to Cashier/Business Office or the designated staff member at the learning center within five (5) calendar days of the violation. Students who do not pay fines by the 5th calendar day of the fine will have Business Office holds placed on their student accounts in the Banner Student System until such time as payment is made. Employees who fail to pay the fine by the fifth calendar day will be subject to disciplinary action under the Positive Discipline Policy.
Albany Technical College campus police officers and other designated College officials are authorized to enforce all Tobacco Free Regulations and to issue citations and levy fines to violators at main campus, as well as learning centers.
Albany Technical College Police Officers are certified law enforcement officers with full powers of arrest. Police Officers actively patrol the campus and learning centers, and will issue citations as needed. It is the administration and the Police Officers’ responsibility to enforce Georgia law and campus rules relating to maintaining a tobacco-free campus. College officials who observe smoking by students and/or employees should retain the student’s id badge or employee’s name badge in the absence of an available police officer. The official will then contact the campus police officers at 430-4711 for assistance in the citation being issued. Students and employees who are violation of this policy must surrender their student id or employee name badge to the College Official.
Student Accident Insurance
ATC student insurance coverage is handled through Borden Perlman. For questions concerning insurance coverage, contact the following:
Students (credit):
Vice President of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
(229) 430-3504
Childcare Participant:
Dean of Academic Affairs/Early Childhood Education
(229) 430-3537
Adult Education Student:
Vice President of Adult Education
(229) 430-2751
Accident insurance provides coverage for medical expenses related to accidents (accidental injury or death) as specified below:
- College - Time coverage protects students while engaged in college activities during the entire term.
- Travel - Traveling to or from the student's residence and the college to attend classes and as a member of a supervised group (not as a spectator) traveling in a college-furnished or chartered vehicle going to or from a college-sponsored activity.
- On the College's Premises - During the hours of the day when the college is in session or any other time the student is required to participate in a college-sponsored activity (not as a spectator).
- Away from the College's Premises - As a member of a supervised group participating in a college-sponsored activity requiring the attendance of the student (not as a spectator).
Child Care
Qualified non-traditional students and/or single parents may be eligible for childcare assistance. An instructor must refer the student to the Special Populations Coordinator’s office. Students who receive TANF should contact a case manager at the local DFCS office.
Please note that minors are not allowed on campus, or to accompany students while students conduct business with the College (i.e. student orientations, classes, student related campus activities, etc.)
Identification Badges
Identification Badges (ID badges) are provided to students at no charge; replacement ID badges may be obtained for a fee of $5.00. All students are required to wear their valid ID badges, on the outside and visible, at all times while on campus. ID badges are required to participate in student activities and may be used to obtain discounts in some businesses.
Acceptable Use Policy for Internet and Computer Access
Technology is an integral part of the infrastructure of Albany Technical College. Computers and computer network systems are vital to the institution’s instructional program both directly and indirectly. In addition, computer resources are used to accelerate administrative functions, aid in expediting the mission of the institution, enhance communication between faculty and students, and advance communication among faculty and students with the local, state and world communities.
Rights and Responsibilities
While Albany Technical College promotes the rights of academic freedom of expression and creativity, the user is expected to comply with the responsibilities and limitations associated with those rights. Users are expected to maintain the highest level of ethical behavior and avoid activities that are inconsistent with the mission and policies of the institution. Primary responsibility for maintaining high standards of conduct resides with the faculty.
General Rules
Computers and technology are intended for academic use or services to support the academic program at Albany Technical College. So that technology is used appropriately and effectively, usage is governed by the following rules.
- Computers in labs and the media center are to be used for academic purposes only.
- Users of the computer resources at Albany Technical College must comply with state and federal laws regarding privacy, libel, software licensing agreements, and policies and rules of the institution.
- Users must not engage in e-mail and Internet activities during instructional time unless the activity is part of an assignment and supervised by an instructor.
- Chat Room and Instant Message activities are prohibited in computer locations.
- Computers in open labs are to be used only by currently enrolled ATC students who present a valid ID card.
- ATC students and patrons from ATC Library Cooperative Agreements Institutions may utilize computers in the library. Currently enrolled students are required to present a valid ID card and other persons must present a valid Georgia driver's license and Student ID or library card.
In keeping with policies at ATC, children are not allowed in computer labs.
Advisory Committees
Each department of Albany Technical College maintains contact with private industry through its advisory committee. An advisory committee is a group of competent and respected businesspersons interested in the college’s efforts to produce quality graduates.
Advisory committees contribute substantially as consultants regarding current business and industrial needs as pertains to job skills, job placement and follow-up surveys of ATC graduates.
Distance Education (eLearn)
Albany Technical College offers 29 online programs with high quality online courses to help students acquire advanced technical skills and credentials essential in the 21st century workplace. Credits earned may be used toward a technical certificate of credit, a diploma, or an associate degree. Albany Tech is a member of the Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC). Online course not available through Albany Tech might be offered by other technical colleges, throughout Georgia through GVTC. For more information about distance education and online course opportunities, contact dean of Academic Technology at (229)430-3693, or visit our web site at http://www.albanytech.edu. A list of courses offered through GVTC may be accessed at http://www.gvtc.org.
Intellectual Property
Any member of the faculty, staff or student body at Albany Technical College, both full- and part-time, who produces educational materials, devices or media for publication or production and who does not in any way use federal funds, institutional/departmental time, services or materials as outlined in the Technical College System of Georgia policy shall maintain the full rights for that patent or copyright, and further, any royalties or profits resulting from said publications or products shall belong solely to that inventor/author. The complete policy can be accessed at www.tcsg.edu.
Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
The purpose of this catalog/handbook is to provide general information. It should not be construed as the basis of a contract between students and Albany Technical College (ATC). While the provisions of this catalog/handbook will ordinarily be applied as stated, ATC reserves the right to change any provisions listed without notice. Such changes may include entrance requirements and admissions procedures, courses, and programs of study, academic requirements for graduation, fees and charges, financial aid, rules and regulations and the College calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of all changes including academic requirements for graduation.
- Table of Contents
- President's Message
- Accreditation And Affiliations
- Articulation Agreements
- Technical Education Guarantee
- Statement Of Equal Opportunity
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Sexual Harassment And Misconduct
- Mission
- Adult Education Programs
- Information Directory
- Academic Calendar
- Admissions Policies and Procedures
- Admission Categories
- General Admission Requirements For The Associate Degree Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Diploma Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Certificate Programs
- Georgia Residency Requirements
- Registration
- Transfer Credit
- High School Programs
- Tuition And Fees
- Financial Obligations To ATC
- Financial Assistance
- Financial Aid Programs
- Financial Aid Fund Disbursements
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy And Procedures
- Grading System
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Grade Appeals
- Student Records
- Graduation Policy
- Student Services
- Student Life
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
- Student Complaints
- Student Rights And Responsibilities
- Albany Technical College Model Student Conduct Codes
- Procedure: Unlawful Harassment And Discrimination Of Students
- Student Freedom of Expression Protest Procedure
- General Information
- Center for Business Solutions
- Program Advisors
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Faculty
- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
- Areas of Study
- Courses