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- Medical Assisting Diploma
Medical Assisting Diploma (MA22) Diploma
Program Description:
The Medical Assisting program’s main goal is:
“To prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.” The Medical Assisting program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in today’s medical offices. The Medical Assisting program provides learning opportunities which introduce, develop and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of medical assisting. Graduates of the program receive a Medical Assisting diploma.
Entrance date: Varies
Core courses: Each semester
Occupationally specific courses: Varies
Program admission requirements:
Minimum Test Scores
ACCUPLACER NEXT GENERATION– | Reading | 236 | ACCUPLACER- | Sentence Skills | 60 |
Writing | 232 | Reading Comprehension | 64 | ||
Arithmetic | 235 | Arithmetic | 40 |
High School diploma or equivalent required for admission.
Applicant must be at least 17 years of age.
Students must attend program orientation.
The Medical Assisting program includes an internship. All students must show proof of the following prior to clinical rotation:
- Physical exam
- PPD (negative or chest x-ray)
- Immunization record
- Liability insurance
- Hepatitis series or signed declination form
Students who refuse to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series must sign a declination form and be aware that clinical sites may refuse you an opportunity to gain clinical experience.
- Drug screening
A positive drug screening will result in termination from the Medical Assisting program
- Criminal background check
All criminal background checks will be approved by the externship site. Please be advised that sites may allow you to extern but may not hire you based on your criminal record. Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor may prohibit employment in the field and may make the student ineligible to extern, thus not completing the program for graduation. For more information, contact the appropriate program advisor. All of the above tests and records are the student's expense.
Graduates are required to take the American Association of Medical Assistants Certification Examination to become a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA).
Felons will not be eligible for CMA Exam unless the Certifying Board grants a waiver based on one or more of the following mitigating circumstances:
- The age at which the crime was committed;
- The circumstances surrounding the crime;
- The nature of the crime committed;
- The length of time since the conviction;
- The individual’s criminal history since the conviction;
- The individual’s current employment references;
- The individual’s character references. Other evidence demonstrating the ability of the individual to perform the professional responsibilities competently and evidence that the individual does not pose a threat to the health or safety of patients.
If a student fails or withdraws from the same class twice, whether it be a core, allied health, or medical assisting course, the student will be dropped from the program and unable to reenter for five (5) years. *This also applies to students in the Business Technology diploma (Medical Administrative Assistant Specialization), and the Health Information Coding diploma taking the MAST 1120 Human Diseases course.
Credits required for graduation: 54
Beginning Spring 2022 (January 2022), ALL FIRST TIME college students will be required to take the College Success (COLL 1020) course.
The Medical Assisting program at Albany Technical College has a five-year average of 87.76% for job placements for the years 2019-2023.
The retention is currently 77.78% for the 2023 admission cohort, and the exam passage rate is currently 83.33% for 2023 admission cohort.
The job placement rate of the diploma Medical Assisting program at Albany Technical College, Albany, GA is 100%, based on the most recent Annual Report Form submitted to the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB) and the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).
Students at Albany Technical College, Medical Assisting program are satisfied with the education that they receive, as there is a 100% graduate satisfaction rate over the past five years.
The Albany Technical College Diploma Medical Assisting Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (www.caahep.org) upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB).
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health
Education Programs
9355 - 1113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
Basic Skills Courses 9 credits | |
ENGL 1010Fundamentals of English I
Emphasizes the development and improvement of written and oral communication abilities. Topics include analysis of writing, applied grammar and writing skills, editing and proofreading skills, research skills, and oral communication skills. |
3 |
MATH 1012Foundations of Mathematics
Emphasizes the application of basic mathematical skills used in the solution of occupational and technical problems. Topics include fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and proportions, measurement and conversion, formula manipulation, technical applications, and basic statistics. |
3 |
PSYC 1010Basic Psychology
Presents basic concepts within the field of psychology and their application to everyday human behavior, thinking, and emotion. Emphasis is placed on students understanding basic psychological principles and their application within the context of family, work and social interactions. Topics include an overview of psychology as a science, the nervous and sensory systems, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, intelligence, lifespan development, personality, psychological disorders and their treatment, stress and health, and social relations. |
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Occupational Courses 45 credits | |
MAST 1010Legal and Ethical Concerns in the Medical Office
Introduces the basic concept of medical assisting and its relationship to the other health fields. Emphasizes medical ethics, legal aspects of medicine, and the medical assistant's role as an agent of the physician. Provides the student with knowledge of medical jurisprudence and the essentials of professional behavior. Topics include: introduction to medical assisting; introduction to medical law; physician/patient/assistant relationship; medical office in litigation; as well as ethics, bioethical issues and HIPAA. |
2 |
MAST 1030Pharmacology in the Medical Office
Prerequisites: MATH 1012, MATH 1111 Introduces medication therapy with emphasis on safety; classification of medications; their actions; side effects; medication and food interactions and adverse reactions. Also introduces basic methods of arithmetic used in the administration of medications. Topics include: introductory pharmacology; dosage calculation; sources and forms of medications; medication classification; and medication effects on the body systems. |
4 |
MAST 1060Medical Office Procedures
Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical practice. Topics include: office protocol, time management, appointment scheduling, medical office equipment, medical references, mail services, medical records, and professional communication. |
4 |
MAST 1080Medical Assisting Skills I
Prerequisites: ALHS 1011, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, ALHS 1090 Corequisite: ALHS 1040 Introduces the skills necessary for assisting the physician with a complete history and physical in all types of medical practices. The course includes skills necessary for sterilizing instruments and equipment and setting up sterile trays. The student also explores the theory and practice of electrocardiography. Topics include: infection control and related OSHA guidelines; prepare patients/assist physician with age and gender-specific examinations and diagnostic procedures; vital signs/mensuration; medical office surgical procedures and electrocardiography. |
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MAST 1090Medical Assisting Skills II
Prerequisites: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1040, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, ALHS 1090, MAST 1080, MAST 1030, MAST 1120 Furthers student knowledge of the more complex activities in a physician's office. Topics include: collection/examination of specimens and CLIA regulations/risk management; urinalysis; venipuncture; hematology and chemistry evaluations; advanced reagent testing (Strep Test, HcG etc); administration of medications; medical office emergency procedures and emergency preparedness; respiratory evaluations; principles of IV administration; rehabilitative therapy procedures; principles of radiology safety and maintenance of medication and immunization records. |
4 |
MAST 1100Medical Insurance Management
Prerequisites: ALHS 1011, BUSN 1440, ENGL 1010, COMP 1000, ALHS 1090 Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical practice. Topics include: managed care, reimbursement, and coding. |
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MAST 1110Administrative Practice Management
Prerequisites: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, BUSN 1440, ENGL 1010, COMP 1000, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L, MAST 1100, MAST 1120 Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical practice in the areas of computers and medical transcription. Topics include: medical transcription/electronic health records; application of computer skills; integration of medical terminology; accounting procedures; and application of software. |
3 |
MAST 1170Medical Assisting Externship
Corequisite: MAST 1180 Provides students with an opportunity for in-depth application and reinforcement of principles and techniques in a medical office job setting. This clinical practicum allows the student to become involved in a work setting at a professional level of technical application and requires concentration, practice, and follow-through. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills and functioning in the work environment. |
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MAST 1180Medical Assisting Seminar
Corequisite: MAST 1170 Seminar focuses on job preparation and maintenance skills and review for the certification examination. Topics include: letters of application, resumes, completing a job application, job interviews, follow-up letter/call, letters of resignation and review of program competencies for employment and certification. |
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MAST 1120Human Diseases
Prerequisites: ALHS 1011, ALHS 1090, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, BIOL 2114, BIOL 2114L Provides fundamental information concerning common diseases and disorders of each body system. For each system, the disease or disorder is highlighted including: description, etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, treatment, management, prognosis, and prevention. Topics include: introduction to disease and diseases of body systems. |
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COLL 1020Albany Success Course
Prepares students for success in college, on the job, and in the community. Topics include information access, basic computer skills, academic strategies, financial literacy, career exploration, and civic engagement. A Student Success Plan is the capstone project. |
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ALHS 1090Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences
Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, and terminology related to the human anatomy. |
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ALHS 1011Structure and Function of the Human Body
Focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan and function of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous and sensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system. |
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Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
The purpose of this catalog/handbook is to provide general information. It should not be construed as the basis of a contract between students and Albany Technical College (ATC). While the provisions of this catalog/handbook will ordinarily be applied as stated, ATC reserves the right to change any provisions listed without notice. Such changes may include entrance requirements and admissions procedures, courses, and programs of study, academic requirements for graduation, fees and charges, financial aid, rules and regulations and the College calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of all changes including academic requirements for graduation.
- Table of Contents
- President's Message
- Accreditation And Affiliations
- Articulation Agreements
- Technical Education Guarantee
- Statement Of Equal Opportunity
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Sexual Harassment And Misconduct
- Mission
- Adult Education Programs
- Information Directory
- Academic Calendar
- Admissions Policies and Procedures
- Admission Categories
- General Admission Requirements For The Associate Degree Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Diploma Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Certificate Programs
- Georgia Residency Requirements
- Registration
- Transfer Credit
- High School Programs
- Tuition And Fees
- Financial Obligations To ATC
- Financial Assistance
- Financial Aid Programs
- Financial Aid Fund Disbursements
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy And Procedures
- Grading System
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Grade Appeals
- Student Records
- Graduation Policy
- Student Services
- Student Life
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
- Student Complaints
- Student Rights And Responsibilities
- Albany Technical College Model Student Conduct Codes
- Procedure: Unlawful Harassment And Discrimination Of Students
- General Information
- Center for Business Solutions
- Program Advisors
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Faculty
- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
- Areas of Study
- Courses