Civil Engineering Technology Degree (CEE3)  Degree

Program Description:

The program will prepare students for immediate employment at the technical level in engineering design, drafting, surveying and construction. The program will provide theory and practice to move into the workforce with engineering consultants, surveying firms, state and local government, public works, construction companies, highway departments, and soil and material testing firms. The program will consist of two specializations, a general track or surveying specialization. Students may choose to complete either track for an A.A.S. degree.

Click here to download the Civil Engineering Technology Student Track for success.

Entrance date: Each semester

Program admission requirements:

Minimum Test Scores

Writing 249 Reading Comprehension 64
Quantitative Reasoning 245 Algebra 57

High School diploma or equivalent is required for admission.

Credits required for graduation: 69

Beginning Spring 2022 (January 2022), ALL FIRST TIME college students will be required to take the College Success (COLL 1020) course.

General Education Core Courses 18 credits
Area I - Language Arts/Communications 3 credits 6
ENGL 1101

Explores the analysis of literature and articles about issues in the humanities and in society. Students practice various modes of writing, ranging from exposition to argumentation and persuasion. The course includes a review of standard grammatical and stylistic usage in proofreading and editing. An introduction to library resources lays the foundation for research. Topics include writing analysis and practice, revision, and research. Students write a research paper using library resources and using a formatting and documentation style appropriate to the purpose and audience.

ENGL 1105
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101

Emphasizes practical knowledge of technical communications techniques, procedures, and reporting formats used in industry and business. Topics include reference use and research, device and process description, formal technical report writing, business correspondence, and technical report presentation.

Area II - Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 credits
Area III - Natural Sciences/Mathematics 3 credits 3
MATH 1111

Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry.

Area IV - Humanities/Fine Arts-Choose One of the Following (3 Hours) 3
HUMN 1101
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101

Explores the philosophic and artistic heritage of humanity expressed through a historical perspective on visual arts, music, and literature. The humanities provide insight into people and society. Topics include historical and cultural developments, contributions of the humanities, and research.

ENGL 2130
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101

Emphasizes American literature as a reflection of culture and ideas. A survey of important works in American literature. Includes a variety of literary genres: short stories, poetry, drama, nonfiction, and novels. Topics include literature and culture, essential themes and ideas, literature and history, and research skills.

MUSC 1101
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101

Explores the formal elements of musical composition, musical form and style, and the relationship of music to historical periods. The course includes listening and analysis of well known works of music. This course encourages student interest in musical arts beyond the classroom.

ARTS 1101
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101

Explores the visual arts and the relationship to human needs and aspirations. Students investigate the value of art, themes in art, the elements and principles of composition, and the materials and processes used for artistic expression. Well-known works of visual art are explored. The course encourages student interest in the visual arts beyond the classroom.

Program-Specific Gen. Ed. Course Requirements-Choose One of the following (3 credits) 3
MATH 1112
Prerequisite: MATH 1111

Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using trigonometric concepts. Topics include trigonometric functions, properties of trigonometric functions, vectors and triangles, inverse of trigonometric functions and graphing of trigonometric functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, and complex numbers.

MATH 1113
Prerequisite: MATH 1111

Prepares students for calculus. The topics discussed include an intensive study of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their graphs. Applications include simple maximum and minimum problems, exponential growth and decay.

Occupational Courses 40 credits
DFTG 1101
Corequisite: COMP 1000

Establishes safety practices as they relate to a drafting environment. Introduces basic CAD functions while presenting essential principles and practices for line relationships, scale, and geometric construction.

CETC 1114
Prerequisite: DFTG 1101

Continues developing CAD utilization skills in discipline-specific applications. Introduces computer aided design with COGO applications.

DRFT 2050
Prerequisite: MATH 1015

Introduces fundamental plane surveying concepts, instruments, and techniques. Topics include: linear measurements; instrument use; and angles, bearings, and directions.

ENGT 1000

Provides a study of engineering technology as a career field and describes the knowledge and skills required for academic and occupational success. Topics include: engineering technology career, measurement and standards, mathematical operators, engineering tools, and engineering concepts. Lads reinforce mathematical, mechanical and electrical concepts through practical exercises, such as measurement and calculations of density of objects, relative humidity, use of a digital multi-meter, building circuits, use of precision instruments, and team exercises.

CETC 1113

Introduces the applications of the mathematics of finance used in engineering decision making by utilizing criteria employed in selecting the best alternative, making short-term and long-term decisions, determining which engineering projects should have a higher priority, comparing different ways to finance purchases and project, quantitatively assessing the costs of completing capital projects.

PHYS 1111
Prerequisites: ENGL 1101, MATH 1112, MATH 1113 Corequisite: PHYS 1111L

The first course of two algebra and trigonometry based courses in the physics sequence. Topics include material from mechanics (kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, momentum and collisions, rotational motion, static equilibrium, elasticity theory, and simple harmonic motion), mechanical waves, theory of heat and heat transfer, and thermodynamics.

PHYS 1111L
Prerequisites: ENGL 1101, MATH 1112, MATH 1113 Corequisite: PHYS 1111

Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in PHYS 1111. The laboratory exercises for this course include units of measurement, Newton's laws, work energy and power, momentum and collisions, one- and two-dimensional motion, circular motion and law of gravity, rotational dynamics and static equilibrium, elasticity theory, harmonic motion, theory of heat and heat transfer, thermodynamics, wave motion, and sound.

MEGT 2030
Prerequisites: ENGT 1000, MATH 1112, MATH 1113

This course introduces the student to the study of forces acting on objects and their effects on a body at rest or at constant velocity. Static principles are applied in analyzing structural systems. Topics include: vectors, resultants, equilibrium of force systems, free body diagrams (FBD), analysis of trusses and frames, distributed loading and geometric properties of areas. Emphasis is placed on bodies at rest in both 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions.

MEGT 2080
Prerequisite: MEGT 2030

This course studies the behavior of materials when subjected to different loadings and constraints. Topics include: stress, strain, material properties, properties of cross sectional areas, bending and buckling of members, beam and column analysis, torsion and combined loading. Emphasis is provided on predicting material behavior in various mechanical applications and utilizing fundamental analysis techniques to determine stress in solids under tension, compression, torsion and/or shear. The course includes hands on laboratory exercises such as evaluating beam deflection and the thermal expansion of various metals.

CETC 1115
Prerequisite: CETC 1114

Further development of CAD abilities in discipline-specific applications. Also continues to develop CAD with COGO applications.

CETC 1111
Prerequisite: PHYS 1111

Introduces the fundamental principles and practices of hydrology and hydraulics in stormwater management and design. Topics include Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Hydraulics, Storm Sewer and Stormwater Facilities design.

CETC 1112
Prerequisite: MEGT 2080

Introduces the fundamentals of predicting and classify soil behavior. Topics to include soil origin and nature, soil density, gradation, compaction, soil water content and reaction to frost, stress distribution in soil, soil shear strength, and pile bearing strength. Lab instruction is based on ASTM and AASHTO specification as they are used to classify and predict soil behavior.

CETC 1117
Prerequisite: CETC 1111

The course will provide an introduction to the planning, design, construction methods, and characteristics of highways and city streets including layout, traffic requirements, safety and control, drainage, sub-grade structure, base courses, and surface pavements. Topics include: geometric design, traffic volume, channelization, and hydrology.

Completion of one of two specializations:
General Specialization-8GS3 11 credits
CETC 1118
Prerequisite: MEGT 2080

Introduction of lab practices in measuring the properties of construction materials including: soil, concrete, steel, asphalt, wood. Tests will be based on ASTM standards.

CETC 1121
Prerequisite: PHYS 1111

Understand the fundamental principles and practices of hydraulics and fluid mechanics in water and wastewater systems.

ENGT 2300

This course will require students to undertake either individual or team projects, by applying knowledge acquired classroom/lab activities in program courses and core courses. The student will create or construct a product, a circuit or mechanism using circuit building, troubleshooting and other engineering skills developed through previous course work. The project activity includes conceptualization, detailed planning and design, project construction, cost and production considerations, quality assurance and project presentation.

CETC 1116
Prerequisite: DRFT 2050

Continues developing surveying concepts and skills with emphasis on advanced surveying technology and techniques. Topics include: area calculation, boundary surveys, EDM equipment utilization, differential leveling, Photogrammetry, and topographical planning.

Surveying Specialization-8S13 12 credits
CETC 1116
Prerequisite: DRFT 2050

Continues developing surveying concepts and skills with emphasis on advanced surveying technology and techniques. Topics include: area calculation, boundary surveys, EDM equipment utilization, differential leveling, Photogrammetry, and topographical planning.

CETC 1119
Prerequisite: CETC 1116

Provides an introduction to the theories, principles and practice of Global Positioning Systems as used surveying.

CETC 1120
Prerequisite: CETC 1119

This course will teach the concepts for the legal and practical development of boundary land surveying.

ENGT 2400

This course will provide the field experience to enhance the competencies taught surveying curriculum coursework.

Click to view profile for Joseph Ford
Program Chair

Chair/Instructor of Civil Engineering
Carlton Construction Academy, Room 114

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