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- 2024-2025 College Catalog
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- C++ Programmer
C++ Programmer (CPB1) Technical Certificate of Credit
(Embedded in Computer Programming Diploma and Degree)
Program Description:
The C++ Programmer certificate provides the opportunity for students and IT professionals to add C++ program language skills and NET skills to their IT knowledge base. Completers of this certificate are C++ Programmers.
Entrance date: Each semester
Program admission requirements:
Minimum Test Scores
ACCUPLACER NEXT GENERATION– | Reading | 224 | ACCUPLACER- | Sentence Skills | 60 |
Writing | 236 | Reading Comprehension | 55 | ||
Arithmetic | 229 | Arithmetic | 34 |
High School diploma or equivalent required for admission.
Credits required for graduation: 22
Beginning Spring 2022 (January 2022), ALL FIRST TIME college students will be required to take the College Success (COLL 1020) course.
*See program advisor for list of approved electives.
Courses 22 credits | |
CIST 1305Program Design and Development
An introductory course that provides problem solving and programming concepts for those that develop user applications. An emphasis is placed on developing logic, troubleshooting, and using tools to develop solutions. Topics include: problem solving and programming concepts, structured programming, the four logic structures, file processing concepts, and arrays. |
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CIST 1510Web Development I
Explores the concepts of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XML, and HTML following the current standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for developing inter-linking web pages that include graphical elements, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and image maps. |
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CIST 2341C# Programming I
Prerequisite: CIST 1305 This course is designed to teach the basic concepts and methods of objected-oriented design and C#.Net programming. Use practical problems to illustrate C#.Net application building techniques and concepts. Develop an understanding of C#.Net vocabulary. Create an understanding of where C#.Net fits in the application development landscape. Create an understanding of the C#.Net Development Environment, Visual Studio and how to develop, debug, and run C#.Net applications using the Visual Studio. Continue to develop student's programming logic skills. Topics include: C#.NET Language History, C#.NET Variable Definitions, C#.NET Control Structures, C#.NET Functions, C#.NET Classes, C#.NET Objects, and C#.NET Graphics. |
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CIST 2342C# Programming II
Prerequisite: CIST 2341 This course is an intermediate course in C#.NET Programming. It is assumed that the student knows the C#.NET syntax as well as basic object oriented concepts. Intermediate C#.NET teaches client-server systems, n-tier development environments, relational databases, use of SQL to access data, the use of ADO.NET objects, methods and properties to access and update relational databases. Advanced features of C# windows programming are explored. |
4 |
XXXXxxxx CIST Elective | 4 |
Select one of two SQL courses below for a min. of 4 cr.: | |
CIST 1210Introduction to Oracle Databases
Prerequisites: CIST 1001, COMP 1000 This course provides an introduction to the Oracle database management system platform and to Structured Query Language (SQL). Topics include database vocabulary, normalization, Oracle DML and DDL statements, SQL Statements, views and constraints. |
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CIST 1220Structured Query Language (SQL)
Prerequisites: COMP 1000, CIST 1001, CIST 1305 Includes basic database design concepts and solving database retrieval and modification problems using the SQL language. Topics include: database Vocabulary, Relational Database Design, Date retrieval using SQL, Data Modification using SQL, Developing and Using SQL Procedures. |
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Chair/Instructor Computer Programming, Networking & Information Technology Professional
CEIT Building, Room 201
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Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
The purpose of this catalog/handbook is to provide general information. It should not be construed as the basis of a contract between students and Albany Technical College (ATC). While the provisions of this catalog/handbook will ordinarily be applied as stated, ATC reserves the right to change any provisions listed without notice. Such changes may include entrance requirements and admissions procedures, courses, and programs of study, academic requirements for graduation, fees and charges, financial aid, rules and regulations and the College calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of all changes including academic requirements for graduation.
- Table of Contents
- President's Message
- Accreditation And Affiliations
- Articulation Agreements
- Technical Education Guarantee
- Statement Of Equal Opportunity
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Sexual Harassment And Misconduct
- Mission
- Adult Education Programs
- Information Directory
- Academic Calendar
- Admissions Policies and Procedures
- Admission Categories
- General Admission Requirements For The Associate Degree Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Diploma Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Certificate Programs
- Georgia Residency Requirements
- Registration
- Transfer Credit
- High School Programs
- Tuition And Fees
- Financial Obligations To ATC
- Financial Assistance
- Financial Aid Programs
- Financial Aid Fund Disbursements
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy And Procedures
- Grading System
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Grade Appeals
- Student Records
- Graduation Policy
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- Student Life
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
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- Student Rights And Responsibilities
- Albany Technical College Model Student Conduct Codes
- Procedure: Unlawful Harassment And Discrimination Of Students
- Student Freedom of Expression Protest Procedure
- General Information
- Center for Business Solutions
- Program Advisors
- Faculty & Staff Directory
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- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
- Areas of Study
- Courses