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- 2024-2025 College Catalog
- Student Freedom of Expression Protest Procedure
This procedure outlines the expectations for, and obligations of, any student planning or holding freedom of expression, protest or other public demonstration on property owned or controlled by the College ("College Property"). Students of our college are free and encouraged to express themselves in a manner that is consistent with the guidelines applicable to members of the public at large as well as being in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. For the Public at Large the outdoor areas of the college has been deemed a traditional public forum. Therefore, members of the public are free to exercise expressive activities outdoors as long as they do not interfere with the operations of the college.
This procedure applies to any student or public at large freedom of expression, protest or other public demonstration.
“College Property” include the buildings and grounds owned or occupied by a college.
A student planning a freedom of expression, protest or other public demonstration on College Property must contact the Vice President of Student Affairs office (229-430-3504) for information, guidance and permission. A Student Freedom of Expression/Protest Application must be submitted to the Vice President of Student Affairs office for review and approval at least five calendar days before a protest or demonstration is expected to occur. No student freedom of expression, protest or other public demonstration shall occur on College Property without prior authorization from the Vice President of Student Affairs office. This includes, but is not limited to, any public meeting, gathering or activity to express views, disagreement, or support regarding a given subject such as march, parade, protest, picketing, or sit-ins. The College is committed to academic freedom and civil discourse. A student freedom of expression, protest or other public demonstration may be permitted so long as it is peaceful, non-obstructive and respectful of the College’s and Technical College System Of Georgia (TCSG) mission and the rights of other students, faculty, employees and College guests. Accordingly, no action may endanger the safety or security of the College community, infringe upon the rights of members of the community, obstruct access to College facilities or spaces, damage property, disrupt normal College operations, or otherwise violate applicable laws or College procedures. The College reserves the right to designate the time, manner, and appropriate areas for freedom of expression, protests or other public demonstrations on College Property. No student nor the public at large freedom of expression, protest or other public demonstration will be permitted to
occur overnight on College Property. The directives of College officials must be followed at all times.
Disruptive conduct on College property is prohibited and will subject the violators to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate, interim suspension pending hearing and/or
expulsion from the College in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Student Code of Conduct. Disruptive conduct includes, but is not limited, to the following:
- INTERFERING with College operations, activities, and/or events, including the rights and activities of other students, faculty, employees, and/or College guests.
- PREVENTING access to or egress from offices, building or other College property in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, College procedures, and TCSG policy.
- FAILING to comply with the directions of College officials and/or local and state officials, including directions to leave a facility or space.
- CREATING the threat of physical harm to persons or damage to College Property or invading the personal space of other students, faculty, employees, and/or College guests.
- EXCEEDING building and/or reasonable outdoors site capacities as determined by the College.
- EXCEEDING noise levels and/or interfering with or disrupting College operations and activities, including the rights and activities of other students, faculty, employees, and/or College guests.
In general, a freedom of expression, protest or other public demonstration inside a College building, by its very nature, would be disruptive to the occupants of the building and thus will
not be permitted.
Any students engaging in disruptive or disorderly conduct, failing to comply with the directions of a College official, or otherwise violating this Procedure, the Student Code of Conduct or any other College procedure, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to an including immediate, interim suspension pending hearing and/or expulsion from the College, and/or criminal charges.
For the Public at Large the outdoor areas of the college have been deemed a traditional public forum. However, expressive activities must not:
- Attract a larger crowd than the location of the spontaneous expressive activity can safely contain
- Significantly disrupt college activities inside or outside of buildings (including classes).
- Significantly disrupt previously scheduled campus events.
- Utilize any amplification device.
- Obstruct entrances or exits to buildings. Remain 20 feet from entrances/exits.
- Obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- Include camping or the use of temporary shelters (e.g., tents).
- Affix items to any permanent structure or grounds (railings, buildings, greenways, trees, etc.).
- Light any material on fire with exception of hand-held candles which may be used with special permission. Other open flame devices and bonfires are strictly prohibited.
- Last longer that eight hours during a 24-hour period.
- Involve solicitations or promotion of commercial enterprises.
- Represent a threat to public safety or violate the policies or procedures approved by the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia or other under the authority of the State Board, according to the discretion of college police.
Additional Provisions
The following provisions apply to both reservation requests and spontaneous expressive activities:
- Non-commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, magazines and other written material may be distributed on a person-to-person basis in open areas outside of buildings. College policies/procedures related to use of facilities, including for solicitation or sales, must be adhered to by all parties.
- Expressive activity and expression covered under this policy/procedure must follow all applicable state and federal laws and TCSG policies, rules and regulations.
- Activities that results in damage or destruction of property owned or operated by the college or property belonging to students, faculty, staff or gusts of the college is prohibited. Persons or organizations causing such damage may be held financially responsible.
- Persons or organizations responsible for an activity covered under this procedure must remove all signs and litter from the area at the end of the event. Otherwise, persons or organizations responsible for the event may be held financially responsible for any cleaning costs. Any left behind or unattended (including memorials) may be removed after the event.
- When assessing a reservation request or when informed of spontaneous expressive activities on campus, college personnel must not consider the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that expression, except to the extent such factors are relevant to assessing appropriate security measures.
- College personnel may not impose restrictions on individual or organizations engaged in expressive activities due to the content or viewpoint of their expression or the possible reaction to that expression. In the event that other persons react negatively to this expression, college personnel shall take all necessary steps to ensure public safety while allowing the expressive activity to continue.
- College Police maintain ultimate discretion to end any activity and may in addition expel from public buildings, campuses and grounds persons violating the policies and procedures that may be prescribed by the State Board of TCSG or others under the authority of the State Board of TCSG.
- College Police are authorized to impound or have removed any motor vehicle illegally parked on the property of the college. The owner or operator of the vehicle shall pay all towing and storage charges occurring as a result of this action.
Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
The purpose of this catalog/handbook is to provide general information. It should not be construed as the basis of a contract between students and Albany Technical College (ATC). While the provisions of this catalog/handbook will ordinarily be applied as stated, ATC reserves the right to change any provisions listed without notice. Such changes may include entrance requirements and admissions procedures, courses, and programs of study, academic requirements for graduation, fees and charges, financial aid, rules and regulations and the College calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of all changes including academic requirements for graduation.
- Table of Contents
- President's Message
- Accreditation And Affiliations
- Articulation Agreements
- Technical Education Guarantee
- Statement Of Equal Opportunity
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Sexual Harassment And Misconduct
- Mission
- Adult Education Programs
- Information Directory
- Academic Calendar
- Admissions Policies and Procedures
- Admission Categories
- General Admission Requirements For The Associate Degree Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Diploma Programs
- General Admission Requirements For The Certificate Programs
- Georgia Residency Requirements
- Registration
- Transfer Credit
- High School Programs
- Tuition And Fees
- Financial Obligations To ATC
- Financial Assistance
- Financial Aid Programs
- Financial Aid Fund Disbursements
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy And Procedures
- Grading System
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Grade Appeals
- Student Records
- Graduation Policy
- Student Services
- Student Life
- Student Disciplinary Procedure
- Student Complaints
- Student Rights And Responsibilities
- Albany Technical College Model Student Conduct Codes
- Procedure: Unlawful Harassment And Discrimination Of Students
- Student Freedom of Expression Protest Procedure
- General Information
- Center for Business Solutions
- Program Advisors
- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Faculty
- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
- Areas of Study
- Courses