Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3)
Quarter Ending 12.31.2024
Quarter Ending 09.30.2024
Quarter Ending 06.30.2024
Quarter Ending 03.31.2024
Quarter Ending 12.31.2023
Quarter Ending 09.30.2023
Quarter Ending 06.30.2023
Quarter Ending 09.30.2023 Supplementary DocumentationQuarter Ending 03.31.2023
Quarter Ending 03.31.2023 Supplementary DocumentationQuarter Ending 12.31.2022
Quarter Ending 12.31.2022 Supplementary Documentation
Quarter Ending 09.30.2022
Quarter Ending 09.30.2022 Supplementary Documentation
Quarter Ending 06.30.2022
Quarter Ending 06.30.2022 Supplementary Documentation
Quarter Ending 03.31.2022
Quarter Ending 03.31.2022 Supplementary Documentation
Quarter Ending 09.30.2021
Quarter Ending 06.30.2021
Quarter Ending 03.31.2021 - Amended
Quarter Ending 12.31.2020
Quarter Ending 10.30.2020
UPDATE: As of March 31, 2021, for the reporting period January 1, 2022- March 31, 2022, 2351 students were eligible to receive emergency financial aid grants with $1,592,800 distributed to 2,331 students.
- CARES Act Funding for Students. As of December 31, 2021, for the reporting period October 1, 2021- December 31, 2021, 504 students were eligible to receive emergency financial aid grants with $283,900 distributed to 416 students.
- CARES Act Funding for Students. As of September 30, 2021, for the reporting period July 1, 2021- September 30, 2021, $1,898,316 funds were distributed to 3,083 students.
- CARES Act Funding for Students. As of July 8, 2021, For the reporting period April 1, 2021- June 30, 2021, $0 funds have been distributed. Correction: For the reporting period January 1, 2021- March 31, 2021, $1,028,862 funds were distributed to 1,971 students.
- CARES Act Funding for Students update- 04/10/2021. As of April 10, 2021, For the reporting period January 1, 2021- March 31, 2021, 2,009 students have received $522 for a distribution amount of $1,048,698.
- CARES Act Funding for Students update- 1/10/2021. For the reporting period October 1, 2020- December 31, 2020, $0 funds have been distributed.
- CARES Act Funding for Students update- 10/10/2020 As of October 10, 2020, 917 eligible students have received the initial distribution of $522 from the CARES Act funding directly paid to students.
On August 6, 2021, Albany Technical College was awarded the Supplemental Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) grant in the amount of $1,708,790 authorized under section 314 (a)(3) in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) for institutions with the greatest unmet needs due to coronavirus. As mandated by the U.S. Department of Education, the institution must use the funds for financial aid grants to students, including students needing financial assistance to reenroll in college.
Students who are currently enrolled in fall semester may be eligible for the grant funding beginning spring semester 2022. The college will disburse the grants funds until all funds have been expended or until the grant period ends. Therefore, students not enrolled during fall semester, 2021, may also be eligible to receive funds if they enroll in Spring and Summer 2022 semesters. Students enrolled in online, and in-person are considered eligible. Awards will be prioritized based on greatest need and then others may be eligible to receive assistance.
In order to receive funding, students must complete an application and be enrolled full-time or part-time for the upcoming semester. Students must have an active bank mobile account in order to receive funds. Dual Enrolled students will receive disbursement via check mailed to the address on file in their Banner Account.
On January 18, 2021 the US Department of Education allocated funding to Colleges and Universities under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplement Appropriations Act (CRRSA). Albany Technical College (ATC) has been allocated $5,281,805 with at least the same amount of funding from the CARES Act ($1,225,575), to be provided in financial aid grants to students. Funding is to provide immediate assistance to college students whose lives have been disrupted and impacted as a result of COVID-19.
As of September 30, 2021, the college implemented the following methodology and distribution plan:
- Students must be enrolled in at least one (1) credit hour for a program that leads to a technical certificate of credit, diploma, or degree
- Students do not have to be Title IV eligible but are encouraged to complete a FASFA
- Is or was enrolled at ATC on or after March 13, 2020
About the Funds:
- Priority will be given to students who have received PELL for the term in which they are enrolled.
- The award is a one-time disbursement per-term
- Funds will be paid to eligible applicants until all funds are exhausted
- The funds are not a loan and do not have to be repaid
- Students will be notified via student email to find out
Proposed Process for Awarding and Disbursing Emergency Funds to Students
1. Distribution of funds will be prioritized by the following tiers:
- Tier 1: PELL recipients- $800.00
- Tier 2: Non-Pell recipients, including those without a 2021-2022 FASFA on file -$600.00
- Tier 3: Dual Enrolled students- $300.00
2. Funds will be awarded by the Office of Financial Aid and disbursed by the Business Office and will be uploaded to student Bank Mobile account or paper checks will be mailed to the students address on file.
3. Student will be notified when the disbursements are made via their student email account.
CARES Act Grant Funding Procedures for Students
Albany Technical College (ATC) has been allocated $2,451,149, of which no less than 50% must be reserved to provide immediate assistance to college students whose lives have been disrupted and may be experiencing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. While each institution has been given discretion on how to distribute funding to students, each institution has a statutory requirement to ensure funds are used to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operation due to the Coronavirus; such as food, housing, course material, technology, health care, and child care. As a result, ATC will allocate $1,225,575 to distribute directly to students, enrolled as of March 13, 2020, whose educational efforts have been impacted by the Coronavirus Pandemic. While ATC has continued to function through telework, teleconferences, and other methodologies, ATC realizes it is our students who have been impacted to the greatest extent.
DOE Qualifications:
- Title IV eligibility (filing a FAFSA or being eligible to file a FAFSA).
- Those enrolled on March 13, 2020 and taking at least one face-to-face class.
However, DOE has placed certain limitations on those who can be the recipients of these funds. Students who are NOT eligible for the CARES Act grant include:
- High school dual enrolled students
- Those who are incarcerated
- A.C.A. students
- Transient students
- Foreign students
Two categories of students are still in question:
- Students who were enrolled exclusively in online classes in 202014 as of March 13, 2020.
- Students enrolled in non-Title IV Technical Certificates of Credit.
Faculty and staff of ATC who are currently taking classes at ATC that are being paid for by the college are not eligible for the CARES Act grant.
Distribution Methodology
We have determined that there were 3072 students enrolled at ATC for the 2020 spring semester (202014). Of this number, 727 were high school students leaving 2345 students potentially eligible to receive CARES Act grant funding (no D.A.C.A., international students, incarcerated students or transient students are included in this number). If all 2345 students were eligible, each student would receive approximately $522.00.
When combining students who were enrolled in 100% online classes and students who were enrolled in Technical Certificates, as of March 13, the total is 1431. When these are subtracted from the potential pool of students (2345), this leaves 914 students that are verified as eligible to receive CARES Act grant funding.
Since there is a question as to the eligibility of 100% online students and TCC students, we have decided to distribute the money in two waves.
- The first wave of distribution will be to those 914 that are verified as eligible. Each student, through their Bank Mobile Card, would receive approximately $522.00. The student would be able to use these funds to cover expenses related to the Covid19 Pandemic.
- The second wave of distribution would cover those enrolled in 100% online and TCC students if determined by DOE and TCSG that they are eligible students under the CARES Act.
- In the event that the 100% online and TCC students are not determined to be eligible, the remaining money will be disbursed to those who have received CARES Act grant funding in the first wave.
Q: I was enrolled in online classes because there was not a face-to-face class offered. Am I eligible because online was my only option?
A: Regardless if online was the only option, you did not experience a disruption to instruction.
Q. How do I know if I am enrolled in a non-Title IV Technical Certificate of Credit?
A: The only Technical Certificate of Credit that is eligible for Title IV funding is BF31 and that is because of the number of hours that are in the TCC.
Q. I was enrolled in online courses but was using the computer labs and internet on campus to complete my assignments because I do not have either at home. When the college closed, I had to purchase a laptop to continue my coursework. Can I be reimbursed for the cost of the laptop?
A: No. When a student enrolls in an online class, they are expected to have the technology (i.e. computer, internet, etc.) to succeed in the course.
Q. I was enrolled in a traditional face-to-face class on March 13th. How can I access my CARES Act grant funds?
A: The funds will be distributed to your Bank Mobile card, where you will have access to them.
Q. If I am in the 2nd wave of distribution because I was enrolled in online classes, when should I expect to receive my CARES Act grant money?
A: That will depend on the Department of Education making 100% online classes eligible for funds. It is not known when or if they will do so. If we receive a notice of approval, the funds will be distributed shortly after that.
Q. In the event the 100% online and TCC students are determined not eligible and I received funding in the first wave, when should I expect to receive money from what’s remaining?
A: If 100% online and TCCs are not approved, we will begin the distribution shortly after we receive notification of that decision.
Q. Does this money have to be used to pay my tuition and fees?
A: No. The funds are provided to assist individuals affected by Covid19 to cover the expenses such as upgrading personal technology, housing, food, or medical expenses.