Student Wellness: Mental, Academic and Physical Preparedness (M.A.P.P.)

Albany Technical College’s new Student Wellness: MAPP project aims to improve the overall well-being of all ATC students. This PBI Formula Grant sponsored by the Department of Education, specifically aims to improve academic success and academic programs by fostering a climate where students are engaged in the health and well-being of their personal and academic outcomes.


  • Assist the healthcare industry by providing qualified individuals to meet the needs of high-skill, high -wage and in-demand occupations.
  • Integrate a high-level tutoring platform to all occupational courses.
  • Increase the number of African American males entering and completing a Health Care program.
  • Decrease the attrition rate for first-year and first-generation college students.
  • Provide a dedicated space and services that will address the physical, mental, and academic needs of students.

Services offered through the MAPP Grant:

  • Mental health assessments and counseling
  • Financial counseling
  • One-Stop Proactive Approach to Advising for First Year, First-Generation and Healthcare students.
  • Occupational tutoring
  • Mentoring
  • Student Wellness initiatives (varies each semester)
  • TEAS Exam Prep

Learn More About Our Services

Meet the M.A.P.P. Team

Student Wellness
Dancer, Lashea Lashea Dancer
Project Director of Student Wellness
Healthcare Building, Room 157
O: (229) 430-3614
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Dees, Brittany Brittany Dees
Allied Health Advisor
Healthcare Building, Room 159
O: (229) 430-3508
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Mills, Carolyn Carolyn Mills
First Year/First Generation Advisor
Healthcare Building, Room 158
O: (229) 430-3607
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Robinson, Javonda Javonda Robinson
First Year/First Generation Advisor
Healthcare Building, Room 156
O: (229) 430-3611
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