Spring 2025 Graduation Ceremony

Date: Friday, May 02, 2025
Location: Albany Civic Center
Times: 11AM and 2PM

Cap and Gown

Graduation regalia is required for all student participating in the graduation ceremony. Please press your gown using the low heat setting on your iron.

  • LADIES: wear a dark dress, skirt, or dress pants and dark blouse.
  • MEN: wear dark slacks and a white shirt
  • All Graduates must wear black or navy colored dress shoes (NO JEANS, TENNIS SHOES, or BOOTS are permitted for the ceremony)

Please do NOT decorate your Cap or Gown! You will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony if you add ANY sparkles, glitter, decorations, embellishments, etc. to your Cap and/or Gown. Also, you will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony if you wear any cords and/or stoles that have not been provided by an Albany Technical College club/organization. Graduates are only allowed to wear cords, and/or honor stoles provided by Albany Technical College.

Effective, Fall 2023, graduates are responsible for payment for graduation regalia (cap, gown & Tassel).

Special Accommodations or Assistance

Please contact Special Needs and Disabilities Director, Ms. Regina Watts, at (229) 430-2854 at least two weeks before the graduation commencement to request for special accommodations. Examples are Accessible Ramps, Interpreter, Braille or any other need.

Graduation Checklist

1. Verify your student information through BannerWeb

Go to Student Records; under View student Information, Check that your program of study is accurately noted.

2. Update your contact information

Be sure that you have provided us with your most updated contact information so we can send you any important documentation after you graduate, including your diploma. In order to update your name, address, and/or phone number, please complete the Change if Address/Name Form and submit to the admissions office.

3. Meet all requirements to graduate

Albany Technical College is authorized by the Technical College System of Georgia to grant associate degrees and technical diplomas/certificates. The graduation date is determined for an individual student by the completion date of all program requirements and the requirements listed below. Apply and had been accepted into the program you intend to graduate from. Satisfactorily complete all curriculum graduation requirements with the appropriate GPA. Complete a minimum of 25% of their program courses with ATC courses. Your high school/GED transcript and college transcript (if applicable) must be on file with the Office of Admissions All financial obligations or responsibilities (library fines, parking fines, financial balances, etc.) must be settled.
  • Apply and had been accepted into the program you intend to graduate from.
  • Satisfactorily complete all curriculum graduation requirements with the appropriate GPA.
  • Complete a minimum of 25% of their program courses with ATC courses.
  • Your high school/GED transcript and college transcript (if applicable) must be on file with the Office of Admissions
  • All financial obligations or responsibilities (library fines, parking fines, financial balances, etc.) must be settled.

4. Fill out the Graduation Application Form and submit payment

Effective Fall 2023 (08/15/2023) The Graduation Processing Fee will increase to $65.00.

  • Complete all steps listed on the Graduation Application
  • Fill out and submit the Graduation Application Form to the Registrar’s Office based on when you are sitting in your last semester of class
    Last Semester of Classes Graduation Ceremony
    Spring Semester Spring Graduation
    Summer Semester Spring Graduation
    Fall Semester Spring Graduation
  • Be sure to submit application no later than the deadline dates listed on the form. Please note, that applying for graduation after the Priority Application Deadline may result in the student’s name not appearing in the printed Graduation program and could result in additional expenses or fees (i.e.: cap, gown, tassel, diploma cover, other) *
  • If you plan to attend the graduation ceremony and/or receive your award you must pay the non-refundable $65 graduation fee. This fee does not include the purchase of caps/gowns. Students are responsible for paying for their cap, gown, and tassel directly with Jostens..

5. Check your ATC Student Email

Detailed information regarding graduation commencement and credentials are sent directly to graduates via their student email accounts. Please check your student email regularly to stay up to date on graduation/credential news and events!

Congratulations on your Success from Albany Technical College!
If you have any additional questions, please contact the Registrar's office at 229-430-3510 or registrar@albanytech.edu

* Degrees, diplomas, and certificates are mailed to the address on file approximately eight to twelve weeks after the semester ends or final grades are assigned. All college financial obligations must be met to receive a credential and/or transcript.