Electrical Power Distribution Hourly Technician

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Job Description & Responsibilities:

The Electrical Power Distribution technician supports achieving business results and provides leadership to all facets of maintenance, engineering and construction resources on various projects. Helps build and support a high performance work system. Supports the IP Way and the one-to-one process. The individual must support and exemplify the vision and organizational values of International Paper Flint River Mill. The key accountabilities listed below are not to be considered all-inclusive A team member may be required to perform additional tasks, as directed, based on changing business needs of the company. Responsible for: Issues affecting total plant site electrical distribution system. Back up Interface with the local utility on maintenance and power supply quality issues. Monitor load, demand, and power factor parameters for efficient and reliable power delivery. Power flow, fault duty, and relay coordination of distribution system. Recommend changes and upgrades to the system. Monitor other projects and potential projects as they effect the power system now and in the future. Assure compliance with NEC, Factory Mutual, ANSI, IEEE, and other regulatory bodies. Supports projects (up to $7.5MM) from concept development through startup utilizing supporting engineers, consultants, and multi-discipline core teams. Proposes, develops and often supports large major maintenance jobs - often driving the critical path of major outages and sometimes extending across several years. Supports several other engineers (International Paper and consultants) as well as process specialists, procurement specialists, scheduling/commissioning specialists, and hourly core team members. Provides significant technical support to many aspects of Maintenance, Engineering, and Production. Implements major projects utilizing proprietary technologies and/or newly developed processes. Functions as part of multi-disciplined teams on larger corporate projects as the need arises. Supports Flint River electrical mill standards; oversees development of new, and revisions to, existing standards; assures standards comply with codes.


Minimum: Qualified Electrical and Instrumentation Technician Advanced Project Management, planning and scheduling skills Excellent technical planning and problem solving skills. Preferred: 5 years experience with power generation, distribution and systems 5 years pulp & paper experience with engineering, operations & maintenance. Planning and supervisory experience with maintenance

How To Apply:



Depending on Experience


Employer: International Paper
Location: Oglethorpe, GA
Link: www.internationalpaper.com/careers


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