We know that during this time it may be hard to maintain communications. Stay in touch with people at Albany Technical College.
We also have a quick reference list of “Important Emails” that you can use. Reach out to us. We are here to serve you.
- Academic Advising - acadadvise@albanytech.edu
- Admissions - admissions@albanytech.edu
- Adult Education - lcoston@albanytech.edu
- Business Office/Cashier - businessoffice@albanytech.edu
- Career Services - jjimmerson@albanytech.edu
- Continuing Education - twallace@albanytech.edu
- Financial Aid - finaid@albanytech.edu
- Help Desk - helpdesk@albanytech.edu
- Registrar's Office - registrar@albanytech.edu
- Testing Services - admissions@albanytech.edu
- Business & Industry Training - mtrice@albanytech.edu