Adult Education/Early Childcare Talent Pipeline Grant (AEECTP)

Build Your Future in Early Childhood Education with DECAL and the Technical College System of Georgia

Are you passionate about shaping young minds? Join the growing field of early childhood education in Southwest Georgia. The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) is dedicated to enhancing the childcare and early education services for our state's youngest citizens. As demand soars for qualified early childhood professionals—from lead and assistant teachers to family childcare providers—opportunities abound for those ready to make a difference.

Facing a critical shortage of skilled workers, DECAL, supported by a $2 million investment from American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds, is partnering with the Technical College System of Georgia’s Office of Adult Education. This collaboration aims to expand educational pathways that lead to earning a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential.

To support your journey, fees for classes, transportation, laptop use, and even graduation can be covered under this grant. Don't miss your chance to be part of this vital workforce. DECAL is calling on aspiring educators to step forward. Equip yourself with the skills needed to succeed and help meet the essential needs of children and families across our community.

Enroll now and transform your passion for education into a rewarding career.