The False Narrative

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More than ever, it’s a time for us to permanently dispel the false narrative that in order for poor people to become affluent, affluent people must become poor. The American economy is stronger than that. In the words of the late Elijah Cummings, “we are better than that.” This false narrative implies wealth can only be transferred. The truth is, the acquisition and the use of economic utility creates new wealth.

When a health care provider employs a recently graduated RN, approximately $100,000 in income and taxes is almost immediately infused into the economy. When enough CDL drivers are employed, manufacturers hire new workers to produce more product. When adequate numbers of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) technicians are employed, more auto dealerships can seek to sell and service larger numbers of commercial vehicles. Nurses, truck drivers, automotive technicians invest their incomes in regional economies. Further, when money changes hands it becomes nearly impossible to identify the first person who initially earned it.   

Since I began my career in 1975, the population of the United States increase by over 100,000 million. Women and minorities have entered the labor force and contributed in every conceivable occupation.  During that time, the economies of formerly heavily segregated states have prospered. The American economy prospered because the labor force grew. In other words, pieces of the pie didn’t get smaller, the pie got larger. 

Georgia is recognized as the best state to do business in. Partly, because we have rejected the false narrative that expanding opportunities for some, reduces opportunities for others. I urge you to continue to reject the false narrative. 



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